
Be The Creative Force in Your Life!

There are limits on what you can achieve with your life, except the limits you accept in your mind.

Brian Tracy
Your mind will always try to complete what is the pictures, so always picture success no matter how bad things are going at the moment.

Brian Tracy
Are you creating your thoughts? Or,  are your thoughts creating you?

Brook Castillo

An extraordinary life starts with an extraordinary thought!

 About Us 

An extraordinary life starts with extraordinary thought!

At Thrivest Mind Coaching we aim to empower you to explore the opposite side, the empowered side, by tapping into your superconscious mind and connecting with your heart. My goal is to help you realize that there is nothing inherently wrong with you or your past experiences and that your previous thought patterns can be transformed. I emphasize that you possess the inherent superpower to create and manifest anything you desire in your life

With our holistic quantum coaching approach, we can guide you from feeling completely disconnected within yourself, tired of your unresolved life challenges, and lacking fulfilment.

You may be questioning yourself, feeling incomplete, lacking purpose, and sensing that something is missing, however, I want you to understand that there was never anything wrong with you. Instead, you have the power within you to make a positive change.

We will help you find your power and become empowered through our coaching sessions. You will learn to live your life from your heart, making choices that align with your true purpose and passion in every aspect of your life.
Instead of reacting to circumstances, you can create your path and shape your future according to your deepest desires and values.
Shifting your awareness of problem-solving to a creative structure is my speciality.


1:1 Coaching Program
Coaching Program
12 Weeks

 About Us 

Thrivest Mind Coaching is focused on cutting age a strategist to guide you to discover your own power.

At Thrivest Mind Coaching, We want to take you on a journey to
mastery in creating the life you truly love.

Starting with the foundation of the human mind and principles of natural laws will show you the key strategies for how to start creating things in your life that you thought were impossible.

Working with Thrivest Mind Coaching can help you to create an incredible life. No more waste of time playing the role of the victim. Through expansion, growth, happiness, and joy, you become a power in your own life where are no limits.



 Kate Swaczynski is a Re-connection Holistic and Spiritual Quantum Mindset Coach and a Master NLP Practitioner.

My role is to guide my clients in tapping into their greatness using my intuitive abilities. Together, we will uncover their unique gifts, reclaim their power, and create a beautiful and purpose-driven life.

With my holistic approach, I can take my clients from a place of feeling completely disconnected from their authentic selves and everything around them. This may include feelings of powerlessness, being stuck, or experiencing depression. My aim is to help them thrive in all aspects of life.

I empower my clients to gain confidence and conviction and effortlessly connect with the superpowers within themselves. By tapping into their hearts, they can seamlessly shift into a creative structure that brings them happiness, joy, and peace. They will learn to live life from a place of wisdom and create their own magic!

What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is how to use the language of the mind to achieve specific and desired outcomes. It’s based on neuroplasticity which is the brain's ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections and allowing neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to adjust their activities in response to new situations or changes in their environment.


Are You Ready?

Are you ready to create the life that you love?
Are you ready to be the predominant creative force in your life?
Are you ready to create life with true nature and purpose?
Are you ready to create health and vitality?
As your coach, I support your self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation journey. Together, we will unlock your true potential and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and aspirations.


 Get In Touch 

Create Your Super Power Mindset
with Visualisation so that you can start
creating the life you love!

Yes! Free Download Meditation/Visualisation


You can check our Gallery as inspirations.

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